This Week. #16-17.

Week #16 (and onto 17)…

Well, the baby is quickly learning that his/her mom can be sporadic in her ways. Though a list for each week seemed to work in the beginning, my creatively-apt mind works much better via stream of thought. So, good-bye lists, hello rambles…

This week you…
were with us for a week that started with loss and ended with life. We spent the beginning of the week at your great grandma’s funeral. It was nice to see the family, but sad that it had to be for this reason. But the ceremony was beautiful, and we’re glad you could be there with us to celebrate the life of your dad’s wonderful grandparents. If you couldn’t tell already, they meant a lot to him. I’m sure he’ll tell you all about them sometime soon.

On the brighter side, we finished the week by visiting a new baby, Timothy T., and getting excited by the news that TWO more of our friends had babies – Cora B. and Leo D. Talk about a baby boom! That makes four of our friends with new babies this month. Three boys, and 1 girl. Your dad’s the math one in the family, but if you ask me, statistics would say you’re going to be a girl, of course, if you’re the type that likes to follow a trend, I guess you’ll be a boy (only 2 more weeks till we find out, and we’ll be thrilled either way).

And, finally, I’m 99% sure I felt you moving around this week. It was Thursday at work, near the end of the day. Though your little goldfish-like tickles were quite distracting, I couldn’t get enough of that feeling. I’m ready for more!

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